Richmond Park in World War II

The children will learn about about the role Richmond Park played during WW2, including local and national defence, food growing and training the military and the home guard with air raid precautions.

Suitable for
  • KS2

Which season is best for this activity? 

This activity can be done all year round. The session is held mostly outdoors; suitable clothing is required if rain is forecast. 

Learning objectives and links to the National Curriculum of Study 

The session links directly to the National Curriculum History Programmes of Study for Key 2. All our sessions are underpinned by detailed lesson plans. These plans are adjusted to take account of the variations in ability and skill level. 

Pupils should be taught about: 

Outline of the activity 

We will begin with an introductory discussion. This will involve a brainstorming and Q&A session to find out what the children already know about WW2. Using contemporary aerial photographs, we will set the scene for Richmond Park during WW2. We will focus on topics such as the home front and operations within the park itself such as the production of food and various government activities. The children will then be split into three groups and will cover the following activities: 

Ideas for pre-visit learning 

Before bringing a group to do this activity, here are some ideas to help to introduce the subject: 

Ideas for follow-up work back at school 

Very hands-on! Brought classroom learning to life. Knowledgeable staff, engaging and age-appropriate activities, exciting, inclusive towards all learners, reinforced our learning as well as introducing new learning.
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